It’s a new month today and I’m happy to announce that 10% of all Abby the Crabby Tabby book and merchandise sales throughout December will go to The Grey Muzzle Organization. The Grey Muzzle Organization believes senior dogs contribute positively to our quality of life and have much to teach us about patience, respect, responsibility, loyalty, and unconditional love. Grey Muzzle helps animal welfare organizations nationwide to provide care, comfort, and loving homes for senior dogs by providing funding and resources for programs like these:
- Hospice programs for senior dogs who have life-limiting conditions
- Dental care
- Medical assistance and beds for old dogs at shelters and rescues
- Senior-for-Senior adoption programs, helping senior citizens adopt senior dogs
The organizations we support are chosen carefully and all have a commitment to senior dogs. Meet some of the dogs that benefit from these programs.
Grey Muzzle helps senior dogs who are left at shelters, or simply turned loose and left behind, confused and frightened. Abandonment can also happen right at home – old dogs who are no longer wanted are sometimes banished to the garage or exiled to the back yard with little human companionship. And sadly, sometimes people or families who love their old dog are forced to give the dog up due to difficult circumstances.
Abby is happy that Grey Muzzle is around ensure that these senior dogs find a happy forever home, just like hers.