
Laps and Naps Home for Senior Cats

Abby and I are excited that throughout the month of January, 10% of the proceeds of Abby the Crabby Tabby: Discovers Gratitude will go to supporting Laps and Naps!

The mission of Laps and Naps Home for Senior Cats Inc. is to provide safe, loving havens where senior housecats can live out their lives in cage-free home environments. Specifically, Laps and Naps was started with the twin goals of (1) preventing senior cats from being surrendered to animal shelters and (2) “rescuing” senior cats from local shelters and placing them in loving homes.

We are not just dealing with cats, but with family units–often families in crisis. 

We have had people contact Laps and Naps to surrender their cat after it became necessary for them to move into a continuing care facility or group home. By working to provide the cat with a new, loving home, Laps and Naps provides some degree of solace to the person going through difficult circumstances. 

We have come to view this human component of Laps and Naps’ work to be a ministry of equal importance as our ministry to senior cats.

The sanctuary home program designed for people who would adopt a senior cat except for the worry of the cost of providing proper care. Laps and Naps maintains guardianship of the cats and provides for medical care and other expenses.

The “Senior Cats for Senior Laps” program is designed to place our cats with senior citizens whereby the cats and humans derive mutual benefits.

future senior cat sanctuary will be built in Marion, NC. While we raise the money to build our sanctuary, we rely on short-term and long-term foster home providers. 

If you’re interested in helping Laps and Naps, go to https://lapsandnaps.org

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