
TrapKing Humane Cat Solutions

It’s the start of a new month, and I’m so excited that Abby and I will be donating 10% of all book sales to TrapKing Humane Cat Solutions for the month of March!

Sterling “TrapKing” Davis is a well-traveled, ex-military, music and cat enthusiast who has always loved entertaining and interacting with people. Since childhood, he was also the only guy in his neighborhood that loved cats. One day, while taking a break from the rap group he was performing with, Sterling saw a posting for a job cleaning litter boxes at his local shelter. He needed something to do to pass the time so he applied for the job.

He started cleaning litter boxes and loved working with cats so much, he was promoted to an outreach position where he could focus on trap-neuter-return (TNR), the only way to humanely control cat overpopulation. It was at that point he decided to give up his successful music career and focus on his passion for cats.

In 2015, he started his own nonprofit, Trapking Humane Cat Solutions, where he focuses on educating, assisting, and doing TNR and community cat management all over the world. Davis’ mission is to change the stereotypes of not only men in cat rescue, but also bridge the gap in communication between black communities and predominantly white animal welfare organizations. He lives and breathes his motto, you don’t lose cool points for compassion.

If you’re interested in learning more about TrapKing, so to https://trapkinghumane.org

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