
Dahlonega Healing Herds Donkey Sanctuary

For the second quarter of 2024, I’m excited to be donating 5% of my book and merchandise sales to Dahlonega Healing Herds Donkey Sanctuary.

Nestled in the beautiful North Georgia mountains lies a home where neglected and unwanted donkeys are free to roam in rolling pastures and bask peacefully in the warm sun. A place of love and respect, and where they can heal from their physical and emotional wounds of their past. They are Dahlonega Healing Herds Sanctuary.

There are very few rescues and sanctuary in the United States specifically designed for donkeys. Their future plans at DHHS include building a 20 stall stable on their 10 acre facility to start saving and rehabilitating donkeys straight from the auctions and kill pens, and begin their adoption program. With your help in spreading awareness and donating, DHHS can save these precious animals one bray at a time.

Donkeys are gentle and super intelligent animals that have captured the hearts of people for centuries. At DHHS you can experience the magic of donkeys first hand. They have all shapes and sizes of donkeys — mammoths, standards, and minis — each with their own unique personality. Please go visit their friendly Donkeys and learn their fascinating history and behavior.

To learn more about Dahlonega Healing Herds Donkey Sanctuary, so to https://healingherds.org

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